Two Marriages : story
Story by Vikram Karve
7 PM on the 2nd of September 2016.
It was late evening on the first day of the Pune International Literary Festival 2016.
It was 7 PM — I was quite tired after attending sessions the whole day — and — I wanted to go home.
But — I had promised a fellow blogger (and a novelist) that I would attend a session where she was a panelist.
The topic of the session was:
“Women, Relationships and Law — Single to Singlehood in Fiction and Reality”
Maybe it was due to fatigue — or owing to the topic — I went into the hall expecting a lackluster session.
I was in for a big surprise.
The session on “Women, Relationships and Law — Single to Singlehood in Fiction and Reality” was most engrossing and illuminating — and was easily the best session of the day.
The 3 Panelists were Erudite and Articulate.
The lawyer panelist enlightened the audience with her wealth of knowledge and kept us engrossed by narrating real life stories from her vast experience.
The 2nd panelist — a novelist — was brilliant — she articulated her views most eloquently giving an interesting and thought-provoking perspective on the subject.
The 3rd panelist — an author and a counsellor — she spoke well — highlighting the patriarchal mindset still prevalent in society while advocating a balanced approach in effecting cultural change in these sensitive matters pertaining to marital relationships.
The moderator was well-informed and conducted the session most efficiently.
It was a memorable discussion — and — for me — most educative and thought-provoking.
I had thought that marriages broke up for serious reasons like infidelity, adultery, cruelty, domestic violence, physical and mental abuse, mental illness etc.
But — it was brought out that reasons for breakup of marriages have changed over the years — and — today — married people seek divorce for the most “frivolous” reasons (these reasons may appear “frivolous” to us — but — obviously — the same reasons were most serious and grave for the couples seeking divorce).
During the interesting discussion — analyzing the reasons for the increasing divorce rates — even among newly-married couples — seven main underlying causes for divorce emerged.
1. Reduced Tolerance Levels.
2. Unrealistic Expectations.
3. More Wives work and are Financially Independent. And — this Financial Independence leads to Emotional Independence (from the husband).
4. People get married for the wrong reasons.
5. Breakup of Joint Family System.
6. Divorce no longer carries a stigma (especially in urban areas) — in fact — divorcees are well accepted by society.
7. Single Parenting is a “norm” abroad (in “advanced” societies) — and — single parenting is becoming quite common in urban metros in India too. So — the earlier reason for couples continuing to remain in an embittered marital relationship for the sake of their children is getting outmoded.
Surprisingly — no one talked specifically of “mutual incompatibility” — but — I guess this aspect may be a reason for “Reduced Tolerance Levels” — or — maybe — because “compatibility” is a nebulous concept which can dramatically change over the years as “masks” peel off — and — the husband and wife start discovering each other.
Well — you can ponder over these reasons for divorce.
And — also reflect on what makes a marriage work.
Do you have to “work” on your marriage to make it work…?
Do both husband and wife have to make conscious efforts to make their marriage work…?
Or — should they just not bother about the other partner and the relationship…?
Maybe — the answer lies in this story I wrote many years ago…
Story of Two Marriages by Vikram Karve
Dramatis Personae (Characters in the Story)
1. ME (the Narrator of this Story)
2. MY PARENTS (“Made for Each Other Couple”) — “Daddy” and “Mummy”
3. SHE (My Friend)
4. HER PARENTS (“Incorrigible Couple”) — “Uncle and “Aunty”
Dear Reader — I am the daughter of the “Made for Each Other Couple” — and I am going to tell you this story…
Circa — 1985
“I wish I had parents like your parents…” she said to me.
“What do you mean…?” I asked her.
“I mean — I wish my parents were like your parents — refined, cultured, sophisticated, soft-spoken… ” she said to me.
What she said was true.
My parents were a perfect “made-for-each-other couple”.
In contrast — her mother and her father — were both unique “characters”.
Both of them were quite crazy.
Her parents were the opposite of my parents.
Whereas my parents were urbane, suave, polite and cultivated — her parents were quite coarse, forthright, indiscreet and outspoken in their behavior.
In fact — her parents were nicknamed as the “incorrigible couple”.
Now — before I begin narrating the story — let me give you a bit of backdrop — of the setting of the story — and also — tell you about her — my best friend at that time — and her parents — who were nicknamed as the ‘incorrigible couple’.
This story begins many years ago — more than 39 years ago — in 1985.
We were both “Fauji Brats” — children of Armed Forces Officers.
Her father was in the Navy — and my father was in the Army.
We first met in a verdant and picturesque forested place in the hills called ‘Girinagar’ — a remote ‘cantonment style’ township — located in the ‘back of beyond’ — at an ‘out-of-the-way’ –place — nestled in the jungle on the slopes of the Sahyadri Mountains overlooking a huge lake — around 30 kilometers away from Pune.
Though located far away from urban civilization — it was a ‘self contained’ campus — with a small “Gol” Market — a School — a Hospital — and — of course — lovely officers’ mess and club with plenty of sports, recreation and entertainment facilities.
Then — “She” and “Me” — we both were 12 years old.
At that impressionable age — parents do matter a lot.
My father — and — her father — had been ‘course-mates’ for 3 years as cadets in the same squadron at the academy opposite the lake — and they had been the best of friends.
Both the course-mates — her father (“uncle”) and my father — they had been posted into this out-of-the-way place called Girinagar in the back of beyond at the same time — and we became our next door neighbours.
Actually — “Uncle” and “Aunty” lived exactly on top of us — we were allotted typical old-style ‘duplex’ accommodation.
We lived in the ground floor flat — and they — on the first floor flat above ours.
We — the two children — she and me — were classmates — and soon — we became ‘best friends’.
Yes — we became ‘best friends’ on the very first day of school — when her parents — “Uncle” and “Aunty” — showed their feisty temperament.
Yes — her parents had a ‘public brawl’ on the very first day of school — in full view of students, parents and teachers.
On our first day at school — there was a formal meeting of all ‘class-teachers’ with the newly admitted students along with their parents — in order to introduce the new students and parents to the ethos, rules and procedures of the school.
The meeting was at 2:30 PM in the afternoon.
In my case — both my parents — my Dad and my Mum — were present.
But — in her case — only “Aunty” — my friend’s mother — had come for the meeting.
It seemed that “Uncle” — my friend’s father — was busy at “work”.
It later transpired that the “work” with which “Uncle” was “busy” turned out to be “elbow bending” at the officers’ mess bar — drinking beer at his customary afternoon PLD (Pre-Lunch Drinks) session.
Well — after guzzling plenty of beer — “Uncle” turned up around 3:30 PM — gloriously drunk — looking quite a spectacle — with his disheveled hair — and unruly demeanor.
He walked into the classroom — roaring drunk — swaying menacingly from side to side.
“Uncle” looked at the class-teacher — and in a loud drunken voice — he cheerfully greeted her “Good Afternoon”.
Then — “Uncle” looked around — and he merrily waved to all the parents and students in a boisterous manner.
He seemed to be in top spirits.
Then — “Uncle” spotted his wife “Aunty” sitting in one of the middle rows.
He staggered animatedly towards her.
“Aunty” saw his ‘wild’ state — so — “Aunty” asked “Uncle” to leave the classroom at once.
But — “Uncle” refused to leave — saying that he too was a ‘parent’.
At first — there was a verbal argument between them.
Then — suddenly — “Uncle” and “Aunty’ started quarrelling noisily in the classroom — getting physical — pushing each other — fighting in a most rowdy manner — till the class-teacher — who was the wife of a senior officer — along with some other parents — intervened — and tried to calm them down.
I could see that my friend was most embarrassed by the spat between her parents — as her parents were shouting loudly — and fighting rowdily in front of her classmates and their parents — and I felt sorry for her.
The public brawl between “Uncle” and “Aunty” created an extremely awkward atmosphere in the classroom — and most parents and students were aghast.
To avoid further escalation of the brawl between “Uncle” and “Aunty” — and to prevent worsening of the embarrassing scene — the class-teacher quickly ended the ‘parent-teacher-student’ meeting — and invited all parents for tea in the main hall.
Meanwhile — my parents spoke to “Uncle” and “Aunty” and calmed them down.
My father took “Uncle” home — and my mother took “Aunty” for tea with the other parents.
Later — “Aunty” refused to go “home” to “Uncle” till he apologized — but he was in a mood to sleep — as a result of imbibing that enormous amount of beer in the afternoon.
So — “Uncle” started growling when “Aunty” tried to wake him up and asked him to say “sorry” — and — to avoid further fracas between them — my parents brought “Aunty” and my friend home for the evening — till the effect of the alcohol wore off — and “Uncle” sobered up.
Then — in the evening — my friend and I went to play table-tennis in the officers’ mess.
It was dark by the time my friend and I returned from the officers’ mess — and we saw that “Aunty” had gone upstairs to her home — but — my mother asked my friend to stay for dinner and a “sleepover”.
At night — when we lay in bed — we could her loud arguments from the room upstairs — it seemed that “Uncle” and “Aunty” had started quarrelling again.
It was then that my friend said to me:
“I wish my parents were like your parents — refined, cultured, sophisticated, soft-spoken… ”
I felt surprised on hearing my friend’s comments — so — I spoke to her.
“Come on — ‘Uncle’ and ‘Aunty’ — your parents — they are so full of life — your parents may be a bit ‘lively’ — but they are so loving and good by ‘nature’…” I said to my friend.
“You say that my parents are ‘lively’ — ‘full of life’ — and they have a ‘loving nature’ — are you crazy — you saw the terrible fight they had in the evening — didn’t you — they were abusing each other — manhandling each other — almost exchanging blows — and that too in public…” she said to me.
“Don’t worry — everything will be okay — don’t think about it too much and go to sleep — they will make up in the morning — as all couples always do…” I said.
“I don’t think so — their brawls are getting worse and worse — and this time it has gone too far — you saw the violent physical fight they had — and that too in front of everybody …” she said.
My friend seemed to be right.
“Uncle” and “Aunty” would fight almost every day — on some pretext or the other — and their unruly brawls — sometimes in full public view — would get quite ‘vocal’ and ‘physical’ — much to the embarrassment of my friend.
He (Uncle) was a tough guy with a formidable personality — and he looked really wild and fearsome after he had imbibed a few drinks and he got ‘roaring drunk’ — which happened almost every evening.
However — she (Aunty) was no meek docile wife either — she was sturdy, forceful and gutsy — quite a pugnacious woman — who gave back as good as she got.
Every evening — “Uncle” would go to the officers’ mess bar for a heavy drinking session till he was in ‘high spirits’.
(he preferred to drink in the officers’ mess bar since he hated drinking at home because of his wife’s nagging)
Every night — “Aunty” would be waiting for “Uncle” at the door — as he arrived in ‘high spirits’ after his drinking session in the officers’ mess bar.
The moment “Uncle” arrived home feeling ‘happy’ — and swinging in ‘high spirits’ — “Aunty” would start ‘nagging’ him.
“Uncle” would react — then “Aunty” would retaliate — and the quarrel would snowball.
Then — “Uncle” and “Aunty” would go for each other’s throats — at first — figuratively — and later — if things got out of hand — even literally — and — my parents would rush upstairs to intervene and calm them down.
Many times — my friend would sleepover at our place — to avoid the turbulent atmosphere and disturbing vibes due to her parents’ “marital discord” at home.
My friend openly said that she loved the marital harmony between my parents — and the congenial atmosphere in our home — and she wished that her parents were like my parents — and she often said that my parents were her ‘role model parents’.
A few days later — “Uncle” and “Aunty” had a horrible fight — and my friend was terribly distressed.
It was indeed a very violent fight between her mother and her father — and everyone was so stunned and scared.
It was the New Year’s Eve Party at the Club — and — as usual — her father — “Uncle” — was in “high spirits” — well before the arrival of the New Year.
In fact — “Uncle” was quite drunk — much to embarrassment of my friend.
Then — fuelled by the alcohol in his veins — in his carefree uninhibited style — “Uncle” started flirting openly with the ladies — including my mother — who laughed it off — since she knew that he meant no harm.
But soon — “Uncle” asked our teacher for a dance.
Now — our teacher was a fellow army officer’s wife.
So — out of courtesy — she accepted.
We saw that “Aunty” was closely observing “Uncle” close-dancing with our teacher.
Suddenly — “Aunty” blew her fuse.
“Aunty” rushed to the dancing couple (“Uncle” and our Teacher) and spoke in a loud voice.
“What “Hanky-Panky” are you two “Lovers” upto…?” a livid “Aunty” shouted at “Uncle” and our Teacher.
“…“Hanky-Panky’…? …“Lovers”…? What nonsense are you saying…? What’s wrong with you…?” a surprised “Uncle” said to his wife “Aunty”.
“I am watching the intimate way in which you two are dancing — it seems that you are having a passionate love affair…” a furious “Aunty” shouted at the dancing couple — her husband (“Uncle”) and our Teacher.
Everyone was stunned.
Then — “Aunty” looked angrily at our Teacher.
And gesticulating with her finger in a menacing manner — “Aunty” said to our Teacher:
“You “man-eater” — are you trying to seduce my husband…?”
Our Teacher turned crimson with embarrassment.
At first — “Uncle” appeared stunned on hearing his wife’s words.
Then — “Uncle” got angry — and he started shouting at “Aunty” — abusing her using unspeakable foul language.
“Uncle” seemed terribly angry — and — in his drunken state — he looked dreadfully ferocious — as he abused “Aunty” uttering obnoxious invectives.
“You are a “…Khoon Ki Pyaasi Daayan…” (Bloodthirsty Witch) — you are worse than a “…Zeherelee Nagin…” (Poisonous Female Snake)…” the wildly drunk “Uncle” shouted loudly at “Aunty”.
“You “…Tharki Buddha…” (Lecherous Old Man) — I will kill you…” she retorted angrily.
“You will kill me…? Come on — kill me…!!!” shouted “Uncle” — and he advanced towards “Aunty” — as if he was going to attack her.
But “Aunty” did not seem scared — she did not back off — but she tried to strike “Uncle” on his face.
Officers and their wives intervened — and they separated the quarrelling couple — who were about to violently go for each other’s throats.
“Uncle” was taken away by officers to a guest-room in the officers’ mess.
The officers’ wives calmed “Aunty” on the sofa.
My friend (daughter of “Uncle” and “Aunty”) was weeping.
Tears were streaming down her cheeks.
I felt very bad.
My mother and father took “Aunty” and my friend to our home.
So — Me and my Friend — and her mother — “Aunty” — and my parents — we all “celebrated” the arrival of the New Year at home — while “Uncle” was kept in the guest-room of the officers’ mess.
At night — when we were in bed — my friend was crying — and she said to me:
“You are so lucky — you have got such good parents — and look how unlucky I am — why do my parents fight like this — I don’t know what is going to happen…?”
I felt sad for my friend and tried to comfort her.
“Don’t worry — everything will be alright…” I consoled her — but I knew that the way things were deteriorating between her parents — it was going to become worse and worse for her.
And — things did get worse.
The “Bosses” had taken a dim view of the happenings at the New Year’s Eve Party.
“Uncle” was posted out immediately — he was transferred to a hardship appointment in a “non-family” station in “Kala Pani”.
“Uncle” had to leave the very next day — and he came home just to collect his luggage — and say “goodbye” to us.
We all sat down to have lunch.
My parents were very polite to “Uncle”.
“Aunty” was crying throughout.
Suddenly — “Aunty” could not control her tears — she broke down — and she went inside into the washroom.
“Uncle” looked at “Aunty” going towards the washroom — and then — he said to my mother:
“See — my wife is crying because she is going to miss me — but don’t worry — this posting is only for one year — we will be together soon…”
But — it seemed they — “Uncle” and “Aunty” — they were not going to be together ever after.
“Uncle” left for Madras (Chennai) by the evening train — on his way to his “punishment posting” on a remote island.
Aunty’s parents — my friend’s Nana and Nani — they arrived the next morning by flight.
“Enough is enough — we will not allow our daughter to live with that brute…” Aunty’s parents asserted.
And — they decided to take “Aunty” and my friend with them to their hometown.
We went to see them off at the Pune railway station — and my friend said to me:
“It looks like my parents are going to get divorced…”
I felt upset on her speaking like this and tried to give her solace.
“Don’t say such things — everything will be alright…” I consoled her.
“Not this time — my Nana and Nani are very angry…” she said — in an anxious voice.
The guard blew his whistle — the engine sounded its horn — the train started moving — and — I said ‘goodbye’ to my best friend — not knowing whether I would even see her again.
15 Years Later
Circa — 2000
I was waiting at Delhi Airport for the 6:30 PM evening flight to Pune.
It had been quite a strenuous journey so far — San Francisco — Hong Kong — Delhi — and I was feeling tired.
Now — I waited for the last leg of my journey — the domestic flight to my destination — Pune.
I was waiting to reach my hotel in Pune and go to sleep — because tomorrow was going to be a very busy day.
Suddenly — I saw “her” — the same friend I told you about in Part 1 of this story — my ‘best friend’ during my ‘Girinagar Days’ in 1985.
Though 15 years had passed — I recognized her at once.
I called out her name — and I walked towards her.
She turned — she looked at me for some time — then — she showed a trace of recognition — and she smiled at me.
“What a surprise…?” I said to her.
“Yes — we are meeting after so many years — and that too here — at the airport…” she said.
“Where to…?” I asked.
“I am going to Pune…” she said.
“Wow — I am going to Pune too…” I said.
“That’s great — we can talk in the flight — come — let’s go to boarding and ask for seats together…” she said.
“My flight is not yet announced…” she said.
“Are you going by the 6 o’clock flight…?” she asked me.
“No — I am booked on the 6:30 flight…” I said.
Suddenly — the ‘final call’ for 6 o’clock flight boarding was announced.
“You better hurry — your flight has been announced…” I said to her.
“I will wait for you in Pune — I will be there at the arrival gate waiting for you…” she said — and she walked to the boarding gate.
In a few minutes — my flight was announced too — and — soon — I was airborne — on my way to Pune.
I thought about my friend — about our ‘Girinagar’ days — about her parents — the “incorrigible couple” — “Uncle” and “Aunty” — their terrible fights — and the acrimonious circumstances in which they had parted — on the verge of divorce.
I remembered that moment at the Pune Railway Station — when I said ‘goodbye’ to my friend — the last time I saw her — and I thought we would never meet again.
Those days — in the 1980’s — there was no internet — no email — no mobile phones — so the only way to keep in touch was by ‘snail mail’.
I wrote a few letters to her — but she never wrote back — and it was understandable — her unpleasant family situation — the acrimony between her parents — “Uncle” and “Aunty” — it must have become worse — maybe her parents must have got divorced — and she had withdrawn into a shell.
Then — after a few months — my Army father was posted to a place in the North-East — so we went there — and then — a few years later — he got selected for a prestigious overseas assignment — and we moved abroad for a few years — and my parents seemed to have lost touch with her parents too — because I did not hear them mention anything about “Uncle” and “Aunty” — or — maybe they avoided the topic in front of me.
And now — we had suddenly met by coincidence — at Delhi Airport — it was pure serendipity.
I was happy to see that my friend looked okay — she seemed to have recovered from the trauma of her parents’ acrimonious relationship — which I was sure — must have ended in a bitter divorce.
Lest it touch a raw nerve — I had to be careful not to mention her parents — especially “Uncle”.
2 Hours Later
Circa — 2000
I walked to the exit of Pune Airport.
My friend was standing there — waiting for me.
I had expected this.
What I had not expected was to see her parents — “Uncle” and “Aunty” — standing right behind her.
They seemed delighted to see me.
“Aunty” hugged me warmly — and then “Uncle” hugged me too — I could smell the Rum on his breath — it seemed that he had not changed his ways.
“Come — let’s fit your luggage in the car…” my friend said.
“No — I have been booked in a hotel — in fact — they must have sent a car for me…” I said.
“What hotel…? You are staying with us…” said “Aunty” firmly.
“I saw a driver holding out a placard with your name — I sent the taxi back…” said “Uncle”.
“But “Uncle”…” I said.
“No “if’s and but’s” — we will cancel the hotel booking — you just come with us…” said “Uncle”.
“But — I have come for work — I am staying in Pune for 3 days…” I said.
“You are staying with us — it is decided — we will drop you to wherever you want to go…” said “Uncle” with finality.
Soon — we were sitting in their car — “Uncle” driving — and “Aunty” sitting next to him — and my friend and I in the back-seat.
“Uncle” said to me:
“So — you are surprised to see that “Aunty” and Me are still together — aren’t you…?
I could see it in your expression when you saw us.
You thought we would get divorced — didn’t you…?”
For a moment — I was taken aback by his words.
But — I recovered quickly and replied to him.
“No ‘Uncle’…” I said shamefacedly.
“You think I am going to divorce this horrible fellow and let him enjoy…?” said “Aunty” jokingly — pointing at “Uncle” — her husband.
“Uncle” told me that he had quit the Navy long back and joined the Merchant Navy — and now they were settled in Pune.
My friend told me that she had done her MBA and was working in a bank in Pune — she had gone on a tour to Delhi for some official work.
Then — my friend wanted to know about me.
“What about you…? You haven’t told us anything about yourself…” my friend said to me.
“Well — I am an “IT Nerd” — a “Techie”…” I said, “I work in California — in San Francisco…”
“Wow…” my friend said, “and how are your parents..?”
“They have settled down in America too…” I said.
“Really…? That’s great…” ‘Uncle’ said, “When did your Dad quit the Army…? I was so busy in the Merchant Navy that I totally lost track of him…”
“We were posted to the US. He put in his papers soon after that tenure — and then he relocated there since he got a good job — I did my college there — and now — we all live in the US…” I said.
“So that is really good — so all of you live in San Francisco…?” my friend asked me.
“No — I live in San Francisco — Daddy lives in Seattle — and Mummy lives in New York…” I said.
“Your Daddy and Mummy live separately…?” my friend said — looking a bit surprised.
“Yes…” I said.
“Aunty” gave me a quizzical look and spoke
“I can’t believe it — how can your Daddy and Mummy stay separately — they were such a perfect ‘made-for-each-other couple’ — they were inseparable — I wonder how they are surviving a ‘long distance marriage’…?” “Aunty” asked me.
“Uncle” looked at me and spoke.
“Yes — I am surprised too — why are your Daddy and Mummy staying at different places…?” “Uncle” asked me — with a curious look on his face.
“They are divorced…” I said — matter-of-factly.
“What…?” both “Uncle” and “Aunty” exclaimed loudly in surprise.
Then — “Uncle” stopped the car on the side of the road.
They looked at me, confused.
I smiled and I told them the truth.
“Yes — Daddy and Mummy got divorced 7 years ago…” I said to them.
My friend looked at me disbelievingly and spoke.
“What are you saying…” my friend asked me, “how can your parents ever get divorced…? They loved each other so much — they were an example of an ideal “role model marriage”. I wonder what happened…? How can such a “perfect marriage” break-up and end in divorce…?”
“I am sure “HE” must have had an affair…” commented “Aunty”.
(The “HE” that “Aunty” was referring to — that “HE” was my father…)
“Uncle” looked at “Aunty” and spoke.
“No — No — my “course-mate” — he is a perfect gentleman — I am sure it was “HER” fault…” retorted “Uncle” — trying to defend my father.
(The “HER” that “Uncle” was referring to — that “HER” was my mother.
“Uncle” was implying that my mother was at fault for the divorce — and that my father was a perfect gentleman.
After all — my father was his friend and “course-mate”…)
“Don’t talk nonsense — she was such a gracious person…” argued “Aunty” — praising my mother.
“So — don’t so-called “gracious” women do “Hanky-Panky”…?” countered “Uncle”.
“You shut up — you terrible fellow — you will not say a word about my friend…” shouted “Aunty” — defending my mother.
“Uncle” looked at “Aunty” angrily — and he said to her in a threatening tone:
“You don’t make false accusations against my “course-mate” .
I am sure it was his “smooth-talking” devious wife — she is responsible for their divorce…”
And then — “Uncle” and “Aunty” started angrily arguing with each other — and within minutes — they were engaged in a full scale brawl — shouting horrible expletives at each other — and even having a scuffle.
It was just like the “good old days”.
I looked at my friend — and we broke out into laughter.
At night — when we were in bed — my friend said to me:
“I am so sorry about your parents.
I could never imagine that your parents would get divorced.
What happened…?
They were such a perfect “made-for-each-other” couple.
I thought that their marriage was such a great success…”
I looked at my friend — and I said to her:
“I think that my parents’ marriage failed — because — they worked “too hard” on their marriage…”
My friend looked surprised at what I had just said.
Then — she spoke to me in a tone of disbelief.
“What…? You are saying that your parents’ marriage failed because they worked “too hard” on their marriage…?” she exclaimed.
“Yes — my parents’ marriage failed because they worked “too hard” on their marriage. They put in too much effort to make their marriage a “success”…” I said to my friend.
Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
This story is a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
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No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.
Copyright © Vikram Karve (All Rights Reserved)
Link to my source blog post in my Blog Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve:
Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)
This is a updated and revised re-post of my story HOW TO MAKE YOUR MARRIAGE WORK posted online by me Vikram Karve in my Academic and Creative Writing Journal Blog earlier at url: and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and etc
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.