Story : “My husband is missing”

Vikram Karve
13 min readMay 8, 2023






Story By Vikram Karve




“My husband is missing…” my wife says to the police inspector.

“Since when…?” the police inspector asks my wife.

“We discovered that he was missing last night…” my wife says.

“Discovered…? What do you mean you “discovered” that he was missing…?” the police inspector asks, curious.

“We had gone for a weekend holiday to Konkan. We returned last night and saw that he was not at home…” my wife says.

“We…?” the inspector asks my wife.

“My sister and her husband — and their friends — a couple — they were driving down — there was place in the SUV — so they asked me if I wanted to come along…” my wife says.

“But — they didn’t invite your husband to come along on the holiday…?” the inspector says, curious.

“I told you — there was place for just one person in the SUV — and also — my husband is an introvert — he doesn’t like adventure…” my wife says.

“I see…” the police inspector says, “so you didn’t want him to come with you on the holiday…”

“It’s not that — I told him that I was going on the trip — and he said it was okay…” my wife says.

“When did you go to Konkan…?” the police inspector asks my wife.

“Three days ago…” my wife says, “we left on Thursday morning and returned today evening…”

“Thursday to Sunday — that is 4 days — didn’t you speak to him even once during these four days…?” the inspector asks my wife.

“Actually — we had quite a hectic schedule — driving from one place to another…” my wife says.

“But surely — you could have called him — at least once a day…” the inspector says.

“I did call him on Thursday night — and then again on Friday — but he didn’t pick up the phone — actually — most of the time he is busy writing and doesn’t answer the phone…” my wife says.

“He must have seen your missed calls later…” the inspector says.

“I sent him WhatsApp messages too — but — he didn’t respond…” my wife says, “and now — his mobile phone is switched off…”

“When did you notice that his phone was switched off…?” the inspector asks my wife.

“I called him after I came back and didn’t find him at home…” my wife says.

“I find it quite strange…” the police inspector says, “your husband didn’t respond to your calls and messages since Thursday morning — and — you didn’t bother to call him till you returned home today — weren’t you worried about him…?”

“I thought he would be at home — he lives in his own world — he is a writer — so — he is always lost in his thoughts…” my wife says.

“A writer…? Your husband is a writer…?” the inspector says.

“Yes — since his retirement from the Navy…” my wife says.

“Oh — your husband is a Navy Veteran…?” the inspector says.

“Yes…” my wife says.

“Do you have a recent photo of your husband…?” the police inspector asks my wife.

“No — I don’t have a proper photo with me — but — there must be a group picture with him on my mobile — I will check…” my wife says — looking at her smartphone and fiddling with the screen.

“It is okay, Madam — I will see it later — if you have a good photo of him alone — it will be better…” the police inspector says.

“I will check at home…” my wife says.

The police inspector starts asking my wife the details — home address — her mobile number — her Aadhaar number — my mobile number — when did she last see me — when did she last talk to me on the phone — did she interact with me on WhatsApp etc. etc.

My wife doesn’t know my Aadhaar number — so she tells the police inspector that she will check up in my documents and let him know later.

The police inspector types everything on the keyboard of the PC on his side table and looks at the monitor as he types.

“How are your relations with your husband…?” the police inspector asks my wife.

“Good…” my wife says.

“Any fights recently…?” the police inspector asks my wife.

“No…” my wife says.

“Is he having any affair…?” he asks.

“Why are you asking all these personal things…” my wife says angrily.

“We have to investigate…” the police inspector says, “please cooperate — if you want us to find your husband…”

“No. My husband is not having any affair. He is 65 years old — how can he have an affair at this old age…? In fact — he doesn’t even have any friends — he spends all his time alone in the house with himself. He is a most boring person — he sits home all day in front of his laptop and writes. He lives like a recluse — in a world of his own — disconnected from the outside world …” my wife says.

“Oh — that is sad…” the police inspector says, “was he suffering from depression…? Any suicidal tendencies…?”

“No. No. He seemed quite normal when I left for Konkan on Thursday…” my wife says.

“Anything else you want to tell me…?” the police inspector asks my wife.

“When I came home — the house was normal — even the fridge was running…” my wife says.

“Do you have a car…? Or — scooter…? Is it there…?” the police inspector asks my wife.

“We have a car — the car was parked normally in our parking…” my wife says.

The police inspector keeps typing on the keyboard for some time and looks up the monitor of the PC from time to time.

He takes two printouts.

Then — he looks at my wife and speaks to her.

“I will come to your house tomorrow — we have to see things — we will talk to neighbours, to security staff etc. — meanwhile — we will check up with hospitals if there is any accident case in the last 4 days — or — any unclaimed body…” the police inspector says to my wife.

“Accident…? Unclaimed body…?” my wife says, alarmed.

“Don’t worry, Madam — we have to check all angles…” the police inspector says to my wife, “I will call you tomorrow and come to your house to see things — maybe sometime in the afternoon or evening — please keep details of your husband ready — a good photo — his Aadhaar number — bank details — whatever documents you can give us that can help trace him…”

“Please treat this urgently…” my wife’s sister says.

“Don’t worry, Madam — these “missing persons” cases take time — it is possible that he may gone somewhere and may come back home on his own — you please check up with his friends and relatives…” the police inspector says to my wife’s sister.

Then — the police inspector places the two printouts of the report in front of my wife.

“Madam — please read the report and sign on both copies — please check that your name, address and mobile number is correct — also — please check that your husband’s name and mobile number is correct…” he says to my wife.

My wife checks the details and signs on both copies of the report.

The police inspector gives one copy to my wife and keeps one copy in the file on his table.

“I will see if there is a picture of my husband on my smartphone…” my wife says.

“Yes…” the police inspector starts saying — and — he suddenly stands up in attention.


A lady police officer has entered the room.

By the demeanor of the police inspector — it is quite evident that she is his boss.

The lady police officer says to the inspector: “I have told you so many times that there must be female staff present when you are talking to women…”

“Madam — there is no female staff available at present — two are on leave and one is on VIP duty…” the police inspector starts explaining when the lady officer interrupts him.

“Okay. Okay….” the lady police officer says to the inspector, “you could have asked them to come tomorrow…”

“It was urgent — her husband is missing…” the police inspector says.

“Her husband is missing…?” the lady police officer says — looking at my wife.

“Yes…” my wife says, ““I am really worried — he has just disappeared — please find him quickly…”

“Have you filed a report…?” the lady police officer asks both my wife and the police inspector.

“Yes…” my wife says — and she gives her copy of the printout to the lady police officer.

The lady police officer looks at the printout — she reads out my name — and — she looks at my wife.

“Is that your husband’s name…?” she asks my wife.

“Yes…” my wife says — and she repeats my name.

“Please come with me to my office…” the lady police officer says to my wife — then — she looks at the police inspector and says to him: “I will handle this case…”

The police inspector gives her his copy of the report.

“Come…” the lady police officer says to my wife — and — they start walking towards her office.

My wife’s sister also gets up and joins them.

“She is my sister…” my wife tells the lady police officer.

“You please wait sit outside in the waiting room…” the lady police officer says to my wife’s sister when they reach the door of her office, “I will like to talk to her alone…”

My wife enters the lady police officer’s office — a neat airconditioned office.

“Please sit down…” the lady police officer tells my wife — pointing towards the chair.

My wife sits on the chair.

The lady police officer remains standing as she reads the missing person report.

After some time — the lady police officer looks at my wife and says to her:

Your husband is not “missing” — he is in Queenstown, New Zealand…”

“What…? New Zealand…?” my wife says, surprised.

“Well — he is posting status updates and pictures all over the social media…” the lady police officer says.

“Where…?” my wife says, confused.

“Everywhere — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram — don’t you follow him on the Social Media…?” the lady police officer says.

“Well — I am only on Facebook — and — I am not very active online…” my wife says.

“Your husband is certainly very active online — in fact — he has a large following — I would even say that he is a Social Media “celebrity” — and — of course — a renowned Blogger too — I love his blogs — and — I follow him on all Social Media — he posts such interesting content — he is very active online…” the lady police officer says to my wife.

“Yes — ever since he retired from the Navy — he is always glued to his laptop and smartphone…” my wife says.

“By the way — there is a woman with him in New Zealand…” the lady police officer says to my wife.

“A woman…?” my wife exclaims, taken aback.

“Yes — it seems your husband has a woman companion — he has posted “selfies” with her — on Instagram and Twitter…” the lady police officer says to my wife.

The policewoman taps her fingers on her smartphone — turns it around — and gives the smartphone to my wife.


On the screen is the intimate “selfie” with Nisha — the woman sitting in front of me right now.

I had taken that “selfie” on the boat during our cruise to Milford Sound in the morning.


My wife looks at the “selfie” of Nisha and Me on the smartphone — she has a look of disbelief.

The lady police officer looks at my wife and says to her:

“You and your husband don’t speak to each other on the phone for 3 days — but your husband and this woman are in constant touch on the social media for the last 3 years. Earlier — they sought solace in each other’s arms virtually — on the social media — now — they seem to be doing it physically….”

My wife seems puzzled.

“How is this possible…? How does my husband know this woman…?” my wife asks the lady police officer.

The lady police officer gives a comforting smile to my wife.

“You go home now — at least your husband has been located and he is safe and sound — I will find out more details and give you a call…” the lady police officer says to my wife, “don’t worry — I will use all my contacts and give it top priority — after all — I am big “fan” of your husband…”

She then asks my wife not to talk to anyone till she finds out more details.


That night my wife can’t sleep — she keeps imagining all sorts of things — she just tells her sister that I have been located in New Zealand — but doesn’t tell her about the woman with me.

She hopes against hope that her sister and relatives won’t come to know about me and my woman companion from the social media.

My wife eagerly waits for the lady police officer to call her.


The lady police officer calls my wife the next day.

“We have analyzed your husband’s social media activities. The woman with your husband — she seems to be only on Twitter — she has kept her profile anonymous — and — she is using a fake handle — she calls herself “night gamine”…” the lady police officer says.

“Night Gamine…?” my wife says, nonplussed.

“I looked up on Google — “gamine” means “Tomboy” — so — she calls herself “Night Tomboy”…” the lady police officer says to my wife.

“Night Tomboy…? Are you sure my husband and her…?” my wife asks, looking worried.

“Yes — they have been “Twitter Friends” for over 3 years — and — for the last six months they have been actively chatting on DM too — privately messaging each other — from the messages it seems that they decided to go on this trip just 3 days ago — they decided to meet at Singapore Airport — then fly to Auckland — and Queenstown…” the lady police officer says to my wife.

“3 days ago…? Just after I left for my long weekend in Konkan…? Oh My God…!!! I knew nothing about all this…!!!” my wife says, looking embarrassed.

“Did you visit New Zealand recently…?” the lady police officer says to my wife.

“Yes — we had visited New Zealand around 6 months ago…” my wife says.

“Ah — that explains it — your husband must have had a multiple entry visa which they normally issue to visitors…” the lady police officer says to my wife.

“Yes — it was valid for 12 months — but one could stay only 30 days at a time…” my wife says.

“So — at least he should be back within 30 days…” the lady police officer says to my wife.

“Can’t you force him to come back earlier…? Can’t he be deported back to India…?” my wife asks the lady police officer.

“How can we do that if he a valid passport and visa…?” the lady police officer says to my wife, “your husband must have changed his SIM to a New Zealand SIM — but — I will contact him via Social Media and also send him a DM — I have already “liked” some of his posts — including his “selfie” with the woman…”

“Who is the woman with him…? Can you find out who she is — her actual name…?” my wife asks the lady police officer.

The lady police officer explains the facts to my wife.

“I told you she has an anonymous profile — but — I will check her out on social media — we will examine her pictures uploaded by your husband too — we will try and get access to his DM too — and see their private messages. it may take time — the recent messages between her and your husband just talk about plans to meet at Singapore and travel to New Zealand on the Singapore Auckland Flight — maybe she doesn’t live in India — maybe she is from a country for which you can get an instant electronic visa for New Zealand — maybe your husband may post something about her on social media which may give us a clue — please rest assured — we will find out who the woman is — we are checking your husband’s mobile calls, SMS and WhatsApp too…” the lady police officer says to my wife.

“How can my husband just go away with a strange woman without even telling me…? I am really worried now…” my wife says.

“Don’t worry — at least you know that your husband is safe and sound — and he is in good company…” the policewoman bites her lip — she shouldn’t have said that last bit about me being in “good company”.


But — Dear Reader — indeed — I am in good company.

Nisha is truly a wonderful companion — and we are really enjoying ourselves in New Zealand.

As we — Nisha and Me — as we sip red wine in the romantic setting of the lakeside restaurant in Queenstown — the lady police officer looks at the private messages between Nisha and Me.


The lady police officer reads the intimate messages exchanged between Nisha and Me on DM — and she wonders in her mind:

“It is most amusing but baffling.

What an irony…!!!

A husband and wife who are living together — who are so physically close to each other — yet — they are so emotionally distant.

And — a man and a woman who have never met in real life — yet — they seem to be so emotionally intimate with each other…”


She asks herself the moot question:

“Can virtual relationships be more intimate than real-life relationships…?”



Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.


  1. This story is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
  2. This story is a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
  3. E&OE

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No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.

Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)

Link to my original post in my Blog Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve:

This story is also posted in my writing blog at URLS: and etc

© vikram karve., all rights reserved.


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Vikram Karve
Vikram Karve

Written by Vikram Karve

A creative person with a zest for life, alumnus IIT Delhi, Lawrence School Lovedale, Vikram Karve is a retired Navy Officer turned full time Writer and Blogger

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