Humor : She Called Me “Neutral”

Vikram Karve
7 min readJun 26, 2024



Unforgettable Vignettes from my Navy Life

Story from My IAT Pune Days by Vikram Karve


I had three stints as Faculty in the Institute of Armament Technology (IAT) Girinagar Pune — the first for two years (June 1985 to July 1987) — the next for more than 8 years (Dec 1991 to April 2000) — and — the third in DIAT Deemed University (the new designation of IAT) for almost three years (Dec 2007 to Sep 2010)

I cherish many fond memories of my life in IAT Pune and have written a few stories in my blog about interesting anecdotes that happened during my IAT Pune days.

Here is a hilarious story — it happened in Dec 1991 — during my welcome party at the beginning of my second tenure as Faculty in the Naval Wing of IAT Pune.


With our pet dog Sherry : from our 3rd IAT/DIAT tenure


Why Did She Called Me “Neutral”…?

Story By Vikram Karve


IAT Pune — circa Dec 1991




“You are neutral…” the middle-aged lady with suspiciously black hair said to me.

I was stunned — totally bewildered.

In my life — especially in the Navy — I had been called all sorts of names.

But — no one had ever called me “neutral”.

This happened 33 years ago — in the year 1991.

It was my welcome party at the Officers’ Mess of IAT — an inter-service institution near Pune — to which I had been recently appointed.

This was my second tenure as teaching faculty at IAT — having served as faculty earlier in 1985–1987


I was enjoying my welcome party in the IAT Officers’ Mess talking to Officers and Scientists — some of whom I knew — their wives.

The middle-aged lady with suspiciously black hair — a senior officer’s wife — she smiled at me.

“How many children do you have…?” she asked me.

I wondered why she was asking this — maybe she wanted to advise me regarding schooling — so — I answered politely.

“Two. I have two children — a boy and a girl…” I said to her.

On hearing this — she remarked:

“You are “NEUTRAL”…”


I was flabbergasted on hearing her remarks.

It was the first time in my life that someone had called me “neutral”.

I wondered why she had said : “You are “NEUTRAL”…”


I wanted to find out why she had called me “neutral”.

“Neutral…?” I asked her — with a questioning look.


On seeing my puzzled look — she elaborated on her remark.

She pointed to my boss — a Commodore — and she said:

“Look at him.

He is so lucky.

He has two sons.

It is a double lottery.

And — look at me.

I have two daughters.

I am so unlucky.

But — you have one son and one daughter.

So — at least you are “neutral” — you are neither lucky nor unlucky…


So — she was referring to progeny.

Yes — I was “neutral” in that sense — one son and one daughter — equal number of males and females.


I decided to discuss her curious views on “gender equation” with her.

“How does it matter whether you have sons or daughters…?” I asked her.


The senior lady (let us call her “Mrs. G”) — she explained to me:

“You modern Maharashtrians living in cosmopolitan cities like Pune will not understand.

But we come from an upcountry state — and that too — we belong to a business community — and in our community — there is a huge difference between a son and an daughter — and — all this matters a lot.

I wish I had at least one son.”


I decided to flirt with her a bit.

“Then why don’t you have a son…?” I asked her — tongue-in-cheek.

“We tried to have a son. We took a third chance. We wanted to have a son. But then — I had some “gynaec” problems…” she said most candidly.


I was not interested in hearing explicit details of her gynaecological problems — so I politely excused myself — and — I headed towards the bar for some “Whisky-Soda”.


A few days later — during my evening walk — I met Mrs. G — along with her two teenage daughters.

They invited me over for a cup of tea.

As I talked to them — I was highly impressed by the girls — they were smart, intelligent, poised — and full of social graces.

Any parent would feel proud of such accomplished daughters.

But Mrs. G would keep cribbing, whining and carping about her misfortune of having two daughters.


Two years later — we heard that her elder daughter had secured a merit ranking in the CET for Medical Colleges — and she was selected for admission for the MBBS course at the premier Medical College in Mumbai.

We went to congratulate Mrs. G on her daughter’s success.

But — Mrs. G seemed dejected — and she spoke in a downcast voice:

“What congratulations…?

I am sunk.

I wish my daughter was not selected for MBBS…”

Mrs. G said despondently.


Stunned into silence for a moment — I asked her in amazement:

“What are you saying…?

Your daughter is going to become a doctor.

Her career — her life — everything is made.”


“That is what I am worried about…” Mrs. G said.

“Worried…?” I asked her.

“Now we will have to find her a “doctor husband” — a “status match” — and do you know what the “going rate” for a doctor is…?” Mrs. G said matter-of-factly.

“What do you mean by “going rate”…? Dowry…? Are you talking about dowry in this world and age…?” I asked her — surprised.


Mrs. G gave me an incredulous look.

Then — irritably — she said to me:

“Which world are you living in…?

Of course — you city-bred Maharashtrians will never understand — but in our society — if you want a “status match” — it is an expensive affair.

That is why I warned my husband not to let our daughter appear for CET.

I wanted my daughter to do her BA at Fergusson College or Wadia College.

We could have found some nice fauji boy for her — some nice Army, Navy or Air Force officer.

Or better still — maybe she would have found some good Maharashtrian boy for herself — and settled down here in Pune — and then — there would be no problem of giving dowry too…!”


“Maybe your beautiful daughter will find some nice Maharashtrian boy in her Medical College…” I said optimistically.

Mrs. G looked at me for some time.

Then her face brightened up — and she said to me:

“I hope so. I really hope so.

I really wish she finds a nice Maharashtrian Doctor Boy.

If what you say comes out to be true — I will give you a big treat…”


Her exact words to me in Hindi were:

Agar Aisa Hua — To Tumhare Muh Mein “Ghee Shakkar”

( अगर ऐसा हुआ तो तुम्हारे मुह में घी शक्कर )


Literally translated — this means:

“If what you say actually happens — then — I will put Ghee (clarified butter) and Sugar in your mouth...”




By the way — what I had predicted — it did actually happen.

Mrs. G’s accomplished daughter fell in love with a nice Maharashtrian Boy studying in her Medical College.

It was mutual love — the nice Maharashtrian Boy also fell in love with Mrs. G’s daughter.

And — the moment they passed out of college — the two doctors happily tied the knot and got married.

Many years have passed since — but I am still waiting for Mrs. G to put Ghee Shakkar” in my mouth…




This story happened 33 years ago in the year 1991.

Things have changed immensely since.

Today we have gender equality, women’s empowerment and most girls pursue careers and are independent.



Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.


  1. This story is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
  2. All Stories in this Blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
  3. E&OE

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No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.

Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)

Link to my original post in my Blog Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve:

This Story Was Written By Me 11Years Ago Was First Posted Online by me Vikram Karve on 17 September 2013 at 9/17/2013 01:12:00 PM in my blog at url: and later re-posted a number of times by me including at url: and and and and etc

© vikram karve., all rights reserved.




Vikram Karve

A creative person with a zest for life, alumnus IIT Delhi, Lawrence School Lovedale, Vikram Karve is a retired Navy Officer turned full time Writer and Blogger