Humor in Uniform : “Wavy” Navy

Vikram Karve
22 min readAug 29, 2024









A civilian “girlfriend” once commented on my Navy “Memoirs” — which I write in my Blogs from time to time.


The civilian “girlfriend” said to me in a rather sardonic voice:

“Whenever I meet Veterans — I hear them boasting about their exploits during their service.

But — you keep writing these “frivolous” stories about your Navy Days…”


I smiled at her — as I responded to her comments.


“Maybe — I have no exploits to boast about…” I said to her.


She did not seem happy with my answer — so — she chided me:

“Why don’t you write some serious memoirs about the work you did in the Navy…?”


Instead of telling her the “obvious reason” — I said to her:

“Maybe — I didn’t do anything worthwhile in the Navy.

Or — maybe — I spent my entire Naval Career “doing nothing”…!!!”


I said these words to her — tongue-in-cheek.


She gave me a look of exasperation.

“I just don’t understand you…” she said, angrily.


If she was an avid reader — I would have told her to read the book “Tales of the South Pacific” — the masterpiece by James A. Michener on his wartime experiences — it won the Pulitzer Prize — and is a “must read” book — especially if you are interested in Military, Naval and War Literature.

In the book “Tales of the South Pacific” — the author — as the narrator — gives a first-person voice to several of the stories as an unnamed “Commander” — performing duties similar to those that he himself performed during World War II in the Pacific Theatre.


After the war is over and he returns home — he is asked by a Major:

“What was it like in the Pacific…?”


He honestly tells the Major about what he did in the war.


The Major looks at him with scorn — and says derisively:

“It seems all you did was sit on your ass — that’s hell of a way to fight a war…”


Is my experience of service life similar…?


Dear Reader:

If you want to hear “gasbag” veterans “bragging” about their “exploits” during their service days — please proceed to the bar of the nearest service club, institute or mess — or — switch on one of those jingoistic TV channels.

But — if you want to read some “frivolous” stories of service life — do read my blog.


Here is a “frivolous” story for you to read — “Wavy” Navy


Dear Reader — let me take you back 47 years in time to those happiest days of my life and tell you this delightful story from my early Navy Days of the 1970’s…




How do you “greet” a “girlfriend”…?

Do you hug and kiss her…?

Well — “hugging and kissing” was too permissive for me — since — I was not a dashing and debonair “Dude” — but — I was a “shy” type “Prude”.

My “girlfriends” found “Namaste” too formal — and they said to me — that my saying “Namaste” to them made them feel old — as if they were “Aunties”.

During my bachelor days — in the 1970’s — men shaking hands with women was not in vogue.

In fact — I feel that shaking hands maybe okay with lady colleagues in office — but not with “girlfriends”.

And — I was doubtful whether my “girlfriends” would appreciate a strong Navy style hand-grip followed by a vigorous shake of hand.

Saluting Ladies was okay in the Navy social environment.

But — when I started “saluting” my “girlfriends” — they looked at me with curious amusement — as if I was some sort of “freak”.

So — the choices of the method to greet “girlfriends” boiled down to three — “Hugging and Kissing”, “Saluting” and “Namaste”.


(In the 1970’s — in India — the French Greeting Kiss — “La Bise” or “Faire La Bise” — this type of greeting kiss was not yet in vogue).


So — I had three choices on how to greet my “girlfriends”:


1. “Hugging and Kissing”

2. “Saluting”

3. “Namaste”


I contemplated on this matter.

And — to greet girls — I found a “via media” between “Hugging and Kissing”, “Saluting” and “Namaste” — I started “waving” to girls.


Yes — Dear Reader:


I started “Waving” to my “Girlfriends”.


Here is a story from my “Wavy” Navy days…




Sometime ago — a Vizag “girlfriend” from the 1980’s — she suddenly emerged out of the blue — and — she sent me a “friend” request on Facebook.

She was a “wavy” type — she lived opposite my house — and — we would “wave” to each other whenever we saw each other — especially across our balconies.

It was then — that I thought of writing this story — but — I didn’t get down to writing it.

Then — a few months ago — I met another “wavy” type — she would “wave” to me whenever she saw me.

I again thought of writing this story — but — yet again — I did not get down to writing it.

This morning — I enjoyed another flirty “waving” romance.

So — now — I am finally writing the story of my “wavy romances” during my delightful Navy Days…


Delightful Memories of My Unforgettable Navy Days

“Wavy” Navy

Romantic Spoof By Vikram Karve




You may have heard of the “WAVY NAVY” — RNVR (Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve) — whose officers wore “Wavy” Rank Stripes with a Square Wavy Curl.

On the other hand — “STRAIGHT NAVY” Officers of the regular Royal Navy (RN) wore “Straight” Rank Stripes with the Nelson Ring (also called the “Executive Curl” or the “Elliot’s Eye”)


You may have also heard the witty quote by a famous Second World War “Wavy Navy” Officer of the RNVR — comparing the “Straight Navy” (RN) and “Wavy Navy” (RNVR)


“…the difference between the “Straight Navy” (RN) and “Wavy Navy” (RNVR) is that — the RN look after the Navy in peacetime — while the RNVR do the fighting in War…”


The “Wavy Navy” Officer was hinting that — Regular Royal Navy (RN) Officers “fight” in “peacetime” — whereas — Reservists of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (RNVR) fight the “war”.

He was highlighting the difference between “peacetime soldiering” — which was mainly done by Regular Officers of RN — and — “war-fighting” — which was mainly done by the Reservists of RNVR.


But — the story I am going to tell you is not about this “Wavy Navy”.

Yes — the title of the story may be a misnomer — for this yarn is not a story about the actual “Wavy Navy” (Naval Reserves).

But — since — the story happened during my Navy days — and — “Wavy Navy” seems to be quite a catchy title — I decided to use it — instead of some long-winded lackluster phrase.

My story is about my hilarious “waving” faux pas during my delightful early Navy Days.




Ever since my young days — I have a tendency to “wave” out to people.

Maybe — this habit of “waving” has its genesis in my being in boarding school — where — we waved “goodbye” to our parents as the train left our home station and headed to our school in the Nilgiris in South India.

Or maybe — my penchant for “waving” emanated from my “shy” nature.

Yes — I was — and — I still am — a very “shy” person — especially — as far as “girlfriends” are concerned.

Tell — me how does a “Gentleman” greet a “Lady”…?

If you live in an “advanced” country — or in “broadminded” permissive society — you can hug and kiss a girl.

In conservative society — folding your hands in a “Namaste” is the best way — but some modern girls find it too formal and standoffish — especially if the girls are your classmates or friends.

In fact — when I was in college — a “girlfriend” specifically warned me not to greet her with a “Namaste” — especially in front of her friends.

In the Navy — it was a custom to “salute” Ladies — as a mark of respect.

As Naval Officers — we saluted all Ladies as a mark of courtesy — whenever we met them.


By the way — Navy Officers and Sailors salute when in “civvies” too — so — even in “off duty” hours.

If we met a Lady who we recognized — we saluted her.


In fact — in the Navy — all Ladies were saluted by the ship’s gangway duty staff when they came on board a ship.


Ha Ha Ha — this reminds me of a story.

If you are a Naval Officer — I am sure you have heard this hilarious Naval Yarn (maybe apocryphal) — about an incident that is supposed to have happened sometime in the 1970’s on a ship of the fleet based in Mumbai (then called Bombay)


An Officer brought a “Lady” on board his ship in the evening.

As is the custom — the Officer was leading the way as they walked across the gangway from the jetty to the ship.

The “Duty Quartermaster” duly saluted the Officer when he crossed the gangway — and — the Officer returned the salute.

The Officer stepped on the deck — he turned around — and then — the Officer saluted his “Lady” companion as she crossed the gangway and stepped on the ship.

However — the Officer noticed that the “Duty Quartermaster” did not salute the “Lady”.

The Officer gestured to the “Duty Quartermaster” to salute the “Lady”.

But — the Sailor did not salute the “Lady” — instead — the Sailor looked away.

The Officer was furious at this discourtesy shown by the Sailor to his “Lady” companion.

However — he did not want to make a spectacle in front of the “Lady” — so — he took the “Lady” down to the Wardroom for a drink.

After the “Lady” had settled down for a drink in the Wardroom — the Officer went to the cabin of the OOD (Officer of the Day) — and — he told the OOD about the incident and the discourteous conduct of the “Duty Quartermaster” — and — the Officer asked the OOD to take disciplinary action against the Sailor and put him on charge for dereliction of duty.

The OOD went up to the gangway.

There — the OOD questioned the “Duty Quartermaster” about the incident.

“Why didn’t you salute the “Lady”…?” the OOD angrily asked the Sailor.

The Sailor told the OOD the reason why he did not salute the “Lady”.

On hearing the Sailor’s answer — the OOD almost choked — trying to suppress his laughter.

Soon — the grapevine was abuzz with juicy versions of this incident — and — the story became lower deck “scuttlebutt” on the ship — and — in due course — it was “galley news” in the entire fleet.

But — that’s another story.

Why did the Sailor refuse to salute the “Lady”…?

What was the reason for this discourtesy shown by the Sailor to the “Lady”…?

Why did the OOD almost choke with laughter on hearing the reason why the Sailor did not salute the “Lady”…?

All that — I will leave to your imagination.

Or — I will tell you privately over a drink.

Now — let me get back to the topic:




As I told you earlier — “hugging and kissing” was too permissive for me — since — I was not a dashing and debonair “Dude’ — but — I was a “shy” type “Prude”.

My “girlfriends” found “Namaste” too formal — and they said to me — that my saying “Namaste” to them made them feel old — as if they were “Aunties”.

Those days — men shaking hands with women was not in vogue — in fact — I feel that shaking hands maybe okay with lady colleagues in office — but not with “girlfriends” — and — I was doubtful whether my “girlfriends” would appreciate a strong Navy style hand-grip followed by a vigorous shake of hand.

Saluting Ladies was okay in the Navy social environment.

But — when I started “saluting” my “girlfriends” — they looked at me with curious amusement — as if I was some sort of “freak”.

So — the choices of the method to greet “girlfriends” boiled down to three — “Hugging and Kissing”, “Saluting” and “Namaste”.

I contemplated on this matter.

And — to greet girls — I found a “via media” between “Hugging and Kissing”, “Saluting” and “Namaste”.

I started “waving” to girls.


Yes — Dear Reader:


I started “waving” to girls.


“Waving” was a decent and friendly way of greeting — and — I could do this without getting too close for comfort — I could wave even from a distance — and — “Waving” your hands was much more affable and cheerful than a solemn formal “Namaste”.

My penchant for “waving” out to “girls” resulted in many amusing incidents.


Once — I “waved” out to a “girlfriend” — who was shopping on Main Street with her mother and grandmother.

I found all the three ladies waving back cheerfully at me.


But — that’s another story which I will tell you later.

Now — let me tell you about two of my “waving” episodes which happened during my Navy days.




Mumbai (then called Bombay)

Circa — 1970’s




The first “waving” episode that I am going to tell you about happened at a Railway Station — the prestigious CSMT Railway Station in Mumbai (then called Bombay VT).

This story happened 47 years ago — in the 1970’s.

It was Wednesday — a “make-and-mend” (half-day) on our ship.

After the customary “elbow-bending” PLD (Pre-Lunch Drinks) — drinking chilled beer at the Wardroom Bar — followed by a sumptuous continental lunch of roast chicken — I was heading towards my cabin in the officers’ flat — looking forward to a delightful beer and food induced “siesta”.

Suddenly — the door of the Captain’s Cabin opened — the Captain stuck out his head from door.

He saw me.

The Captain looked at me — and he signalled to me.

“You — come here…” he said to me.

I entered the Captain’s Cabin.

“Do me a favour — just drop my daughter off on the Punjab Mail…” the Captain said to me.


Those days — the Punjab Mail departed from Mumbai CSMT (Bombay VT) at 1630 Hrs (4:30 PM)


“Aye, Aye, Sir…” I said.

“I was supposed to drop her — but — the C-in-C has called a meeting of all COs at 3:30…” the Captain said to me.

“Yes, Sir…” I said.

“Call a taxi — pick up my daughter from my house — and — take my Coxswain with you…” the Captain said to me.

“Aye, Aye, Sir…” I said to him.

“Here — take this — it should cover the taxi fare and porter etc — and — in case she wants to buy some snacks or drinks…” the Captain said — and he gave me a 100 Rupee note.


Remember — this was in the 1970’s — when the minimum taxi fare in Mumbai was not even one rupee — it was 85 Paise — and — the specified ‘porterage’ was a rupee for a bag — and — a porter was happy if you gave him 2 or 3 Rupees.


“You better hurry up — the train leaves at 4:30 PM — and it is almost 3 o’clock…” the Captain said.

Then — the Captain put on his cap — walked out his cabin — opened the bulkhead door — walked out on the deck — crossed the gangway — got down on the jetty — and — started briskly walking on the wharf towards Headquarters.


Those days — all Captains did not get ‘staff cars’ — only Captains of the Aircraft Carrier and ‘Hydro’ Survey Ships used their ships’ jeeps which they landed ashore when in harbour.


I saw the Captain’s Coxswain following me.

“Sir — should I get a Taxi…?” the Captain’s Coxswain asked me.

“Yes…” I said — and — the Captain’s Coxswain started walking towards the Dockyard Gate to get a Taxi.


Half an hour later — I picked up my Captain’s daughter from their house in the Navy Township (NOFRA) — and — soon — we were heading towards VT (CSTM) Railway Station in the Premier Padmini (Fiat) Taxi — the Coxswain sitting in front with the Taxi-Driver — and — the Captain’s Daughter and I on the rear seat.

“Why have you come in uniform…?” the Captain’s Daughter asked me.

“There was no time to change into civvies…” I said, “Your Dad told me to hurry since it was almost 3 o’clock when he asked me to pick you up…”

“Oh…” she said, “Really — there was no need for you to have come all the way — I could have gone to the railway station on my own…”

“Well — the Captain asked me to drop you and see you off on the Punjab Mail…” I said to her.

“See me off…? It will be okay if you just drop me outside the station. All my friends will be there…” she said.

“Friends…?” I asked her.

“Yes — we have come on a college educational tour to various places in India — so there are 60 of us girls — all classmates — and some teachers — in fact — we have a full sleeper coach booked for us which gets attached to various trains…” she said.


Those days — students travelled by Train — in 2nd Class Sleeper — or — even by ordinary 2ndClass.

Nowadays — students want to travel by Air — or even if they travel by Train — they prefer to travel in Airconditioned Comfort.


The Taxi crossed Flora Fountain on its way to VT (CSMT) Railway Terminus.

I continued my conversation with the Captain’s Daughter.

“You study in an all girls’ college…?” I asked her.

“Yes…” she said.

“In Delhi…?” I asked her.

“Yes…” she said.

“Oh — so how many days did you spend in Mumbai…?” I asked her.

“Three days. Since my Dad is in Mumbai — I stayed at home — the others were put up in the women’s university and other places — some stayed in the sleeper coach as well…” she said.

“Oh…” I remarked.


The moment the taxi entered the foyer of Mumbai CSMT Railway Station — the Captain’s Daughter spoke to me.

“Please drop me off over here — I will go to the train on my own…” she said to me.

“We will come to see you off…” I said to her.

“Please — I don’t want to trouble you…” she said.

“It’s no trouble at all — and — I told you — that your father has asked me to drop you on the train — so — I will have to see you off properly…” I insisted.

Soon we were walking towards Platform №8 of CSMT (VT) station from where the Punjab Mail was scheduled to depart at 4:30 PM


The Captain’s daughter was wearing Blue Jeans and a Light Green T-Shirt.

I marched beside her — smartly dressed in sparkling white Navy Uniform Dress №8 — shorts and half-sleeved shirt — white stockings and white shoes — and — the Navy “Peaked Cap” on my head.

And — the Sailor — the Captain’s Coxswain — he was also in Navy Uniform Dress №8 — and — the Sailor followed us carrying the Captain’s Daughter’s bag — despite her protestations that she could carry her own bag.


In Mumbai — Navy Uniform is quite common — so — no one gave us a second look.

But — the moment my Captain’s Daughter’s classmates saw us — all the girls started staring at me in a curious way.

“Thanks a lot for dropping me…” the Captain’s Daughter said to me as we approached their sleeper coach with all her classmates.

Some of her classmates were standing outside on the platform — and — most of the girls were sitting inside the coach.

The Captain’s daughter wanted to take her bag from the sailor — but — we went inside the coach — and — I made sure that the sailor had placed the bag properly under her berth.

The Captain’s Daughter sat on her window seat — she smiled at me and spoke to me in a polite voice.

“Thanks for the trouble — I am comfortably seated now — I think you should go back to your ship…” she said to me.

“Do you want me to get you anything — biscuits, soft drink, tea…?” I said.

“Please — I am not a small girl — I am almost 21 now — I can look after myself…” she said.

“Oh — she is 21…?” I thought to myself.

I realised that the Captain’s Daughter was almost my age.

I could see that the Captain’s Daughter was embarrassed by the two us — Me and the Sailor — hanging around her in uniform inside the coach near her seat — and — all her classmates were staring at us.

So — I decided to get down from the coach — and — leave her with her classmates inside.

I got down from the coach — and — I stood on the platform — outside the window where she was sitting.

The Sailor stood near me.

“Okay — Bye — we will wait on the platform…” I said to her.

On hearing this — she seemed a bit hesitant.

“I think you should go back to your ship…” she said.

“It’s already 4:15 PM — only 15 minutes for the train to leave — so we will see you off properly…” I said.

“Please go back — don’t you have work to do on the ship…?” she said.

“Today is Wednesday — “make-and-mend” — a half-day…” I said.

“Oh…” she said.

“Okay — if you are uncomfortable with us standing here — we will wait at a distance on the platform…” I said to her.

I took a few steps away from the window and stood on the platform.

A number of girls — my Captain’s Daughter’s classmates — the college girls swarmed around me — and — they asked me about our ship.

I felt good at being the “centre-of-attraction” of these pretty girls.

I did not want the Captain’s Coxswain hanging around while I flirted with the girls — so — I gave the Sailor a 10 Rupee note.

“Go and buy a bar of chocolate and some fruit for the Captain’s Daughter…” I told the Sailor.


In the 1970’s — Ten Rupees was a huge amount — enough for buying chocolates and fruit…


The girls asked me about the Navy — and warships.

“You should have visited our ship…” I said to the girls, “after all — your classmate’s father is our Captain…”

“We wanted to see Navy ships — but we arrived in Mumbai on Sunday evening from Bangalore — and — now — we are leaving on Wednesday — and — they said that we can have group visits to ships only on weekends…” one of the girls said.

“Okay — but — you can plan next time — and — if you want to come alone by yourself — I can take you to see the ship any evening as my guest…” I said to the girls.


Those days — in the 1970’s — officers were allowed to take their guests on board ships on all days of the week — as personal guests…


The Captain’s Daughter was watching me from the window of the coach.

She “waved” to me.

I was delighted to see that she was a “waving” type.

But — on close observation — I saw that she was signalling me to come towards her.

I walked towards her — and — stood near the coach window.

“Please don’t talk too much to those girls…” the Captain’s Daughter said to me, “they are gossipy types…”

“Okay…” I said — and — I stood outside the coach window.

“Please go now…” the Captain’s Daughter said.

“Just a few minutes more for the train to start…” I said, “and — I have sent the Sailor to get you some Chocolates and Fruits…”

“I told you not to bother…” the Captain’s Daughter said.

“It’s okay — your father has given me money…” I said to her.


The Sailor arrived with a Bar of Milk Chocolate and some Oranges.

I passed them on to the Captain’s Daughter through the window.

Suddenly — the guard blew his whistle.

The girls on the platform rushed towards the coach door and got inside.

The engine sounded its horn.

The train started moving slowly.

I started “waving” goodbye to the Captain’s Daughter.

Seeing me “waving” — the Sailor took the cue — and — he also started “waving” to the Captain’s Daughter.

The Captain’s Daughter “waved” back at us.

Inspired by her “waving” — I started walking on the platform along with the train — and — I kept “waving” at the Captain’s Daughter sitting in the window.

The Sailor also marched behind me — “waving” vigorously at the Captain’s Daughter.


Later — I got feedback — that the Captain’s Daughter was not “waving” joyfully at me — but — she was trying to signal me to go away…


To continue the story:


We — Me and the Captain’s Coxswain — we both kept “waving” — and — as the train picked up speed — the door of the coach came in front of us — and — I saw that the girls standing in the door were “waving” at me.

I “waved” back at the girls.

The girls “waved” back at me — as the train moved away.

Then — someone pulled the “alarm chain” — and the train screeched to a stop.

I quickly walked towards the window where my Captain’s Daughter was sitting — and — I started “waving” to her again.

Then — I went close to the window — and — I spoke to her.

“Take care. Have a nice journey…” I said to her.

I could see that her cheeks were red — and — she was blushing.


I thought that she had fallen in love with me — but later — I got feedback — that she was blushing in embarrassment…


The train started moving again.

I started “waving” again — and — the Sailor promptly followed my actions and started “waving”.

But — the Captain’s daughter did not “wave” back at me.

Instead — I saw that — all her classmates were “waving” to me from the coach windows — and — as the train went forward — the girls standing in the door “waved” vigorously to me and shouted “Bye Bye”…”

We kept “waving” at each other till the train disappeared from view.

After the train had left — I took a Taxi to the ship.


On reaching the ship — I found out from the OOD that the Captain had just arrived on board.

I reported to the Captain in his cabin.

He had just arrived from the meeting in Headquarters and was changing into civilian clothes.

“Sir — your daughter has been “seen off” properly…” I said.

“Very Good…” the Captain said.

“Sir — I spent…” I started giving him the accounts — but he interrupted me.

“Okay — just keep the remaining money on the table…” the Captain said.

I kept the money on the table — I saluted the Captain — and — I left his cabin.


Three days later — on Saturday — during the customary “elbow-bending” Beer Guzzling PLD (Pre-Lunch Drinks) in the ship’s wardroom — the Captain walked up to me.

“My daughter has reached Delhi safely…” the Captain said to me.

“That’s good, Sir…” I said.

“My daughter called up last evening — she was telling me about how you “saw her off” very thoroughly with your vigorous “waving” — even after the train left the platform…” the Captain said to me.

“Yes, Sir…” I said, proudly.

“Ha Ha Ha — my daughter has warned me never to send anyone to “see her off” again. In fact — she told us that — in future — she would go to the station alone — and — she said that — even we should not come to drop her or see her off…” the Captain said with a smile, breaking into a laugh.

And then — he walked off to talk to the Executive Officer (XO).




10 Years Later


Visakhapatnam (Vizag) — Circa 1980’s




My boss was a rather prosaic Commodore — but — he had a vivacious wife — who was always cheerful, bubbly, flirty — and full of life.

She was an accomplished career woman — she had a distinct identity of her own — and hence — she was not rank-conscious at all.

I would meet her often — in the swimming pool — during my long walks — in the Wardroom Officers Mess Library — and — we became friends.

What I liked most about her — was — that — like me — she too was a “wavy” type.

Whenever she saw me — she would “wave” out to me — and — I would “wave” back to her.

One day — I saw my Boss’s car approaching.

My Boss, the Commodore, was driving — and — his wife was seated next to him.

I was walking on the right side of the road — so — as the car approached — his wife’s seat was on my side of the road.

I started lifting my right hand to “salute” the Commodore.

Just then — the Commodore’s wife “waved” out to me.

Instinctively — I “waved” out to her.

I could not help it — but — without my realizing it — instead of “saluting” — my right hand spontaneously moved up and started “waving”.

My planned formal “salute” had turned into an impulsive friendly “wave”.


Next morning — my Boss — the prosaic Commodore — he called me to his office — and — he said to me:

“Well — if you don’t want to “salute” me — that’s bad enough.

But — you were “waving” to my wife instead of “saluting” me.

Well — that’s a bit too much — isn’t it…?”


Then — the prosaic Commodore started laughing — the first time I had seen him laugh so heartily.



Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.


  1. This story is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
  2. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
  3. E&OE

Copyright Notice:

No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.

Copyright © Vikram Karve (All Rights Reserved)

Link to my original post in my Blog Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve:

© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

This is a revised abridged repost of my story WAVY NAVY posted by me online earlier in my Academic and Creative Writing Journal Blog on May 26, 2016 at url: later at url: and and and and and and and and etc

© vikram karve., all rights reserved.




Vikram Karve
Vikram Karve

Written by Vikram Karve

A creative person with a zest for life, alumnus IIT Delhi, Lawrence School Lovedale, Vikram Karve is a retired Navy Officer turned full time Writer and Blogger

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