Humor in Uniform : The Worst Boss I ever had : an unfinished story
Humor in Uniform
Story from My Vizag Navy Days
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Do you remember the worst boss you ever had in your career…?
I do.
It was Commodore “P” — the most “sadistic”, callous and coldblooded boss I ever had in the Navy — a terrible fellow.
This was in Vizag (Visakhapatnam) — around 36 years ago — in the end 1980’s, early 1990’s — during my appointment in the prestigious Naval Dockyard at Vizag.
Dear Reader — let me tell you a bit about Commodore “P” — the worst boss I ever had…
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Vizag (Visakhapatnam) — Circa 1989
I was woken up from my deep sleep by the shrill ring of the telephone.
Actually — it was my wife who heard the phone ring.
My wife poked me hard in the ribs — and she said to me: “Are you dead…? Can’t you hear the phone…?”
Well — I was good as dead — I had gone to sleep “dead drunk” — after a heavy working day — a brisk jog up Dolphin’s Nose and back — a vigorous swim in the Navy Pool — a hot water bath at home — followed by half a bottle of Rum — a heavy dinner — a bout of frenzied lovemaking — all this had exhausted me totally — and — put me into an unconscious state of deep deadened sleep.
I lay down in my “comatose” stupor — listening with irritation to the shrill ring of the phone.
My wife poked me in my ribs once more — and said: “Go and pick up the phone…”
I woke up from my cataleptic stupor.
I felt disoriented — but — I managed to stagger to the phone — which was kept on a table in the passageway.
I picked up the phone and identified myself.
“Come Over…” the voice at the other end said — and then — the person at the other end disconnected the phone.
I recognized the voice — it was my boss — Commodore “P”.
As was his style — he had uttered just two words: “Come Over…”
Commodore “P” believed in brevity.
“Come Over…” that’s all he said — no “why” — no details.
“What’s the matter…?” my wife asked.
“It’s Commodore “P” — my boss…” I said, “He wants me to come over…”
“Now…?” my wife exclaimed, “It is past 11 o’clock at night — almost midnight…”
“Must be something urgent…” I said, “I’ll walk down to his house and meet him…”
“You better wash up…” my wife said, “You are totally drunk — I’ll make some coffee too — just to sober you up a bit…”
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Dear Reader — while I wash up and have some coffee to sober up — here is a small digression:
If you are a Navy Veteran — and have served in Vizag in the 1970’s and 1980’s — you may have lived in Naval Park.
(Sometime in the 1980’s — Naval Park “Annexe” was built — comprising multi-storey buildings — but — I was lucky to get a house in the original Naval Park)
The Naval Park comprised lovely old style houses.
Each building had 3 Storeys — a total of 6 houses — two houses on each floor — with spacious terraces in between.
I was lucky to get a ground floor house — with a lawn in front — garage on the side — and — garden in the rear.
We were a mix of occupants in the 6 houses in our building — and in the similar block of 6 houses opposite — 12 of us with varying ranks from Lieutenant Commander to Commodore — from diverse ships and shore establishments — and the spacious common area in between the two buildings was called “Nukkad” — and we would have frequent impromptu “pot luck” get-togethers there — especially during “load shedding” (power cuts) — which happened quite frequently in the evenings.
Those days — it took 11 years of commissioned service to become a Lieutenant Commander — and — the type of married accommodation was the same from Major to Brigadier (Lieutenant Commander to Commodore) — so all of us lived together in common housing in Naval Park — while there were 4 separate Bungalows for Rear Admirals — and the “CinC” — a Vice Admiral — he lived in his appointment house in Vizag City.
My boss — a Commodore — lived on a ground floor house similar to mine — in an identical building near our house.
Digression over — story continues…
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Actually — Commodore “P” was not my direct boss — he was the boss of my boss — Captain “K” — a senior Captain (IN) — who had “switched off” and got out of the “rat race”.
Captain “K” had accepted the fact that he had reached his level of incompetence — and he had decided to enjoy his remaining years in the Navy till superannuation in peace and tranquility.
So — Captain “K” astutely remained out of the “firing line” — and he let me have it nice and proper from Commodore “P”.
And now — Commodore “P” had called me at this unearthly hour — it was well past 11 PM — almost midnight.
I changed into trousers and bush shirt — wore my sandals — and — to sober up — I gulped down the coffee my wife had hurriedly prepared.
Then — I walked towards the house of Commodore “P” — which was nearby.
As I reached the ground floor house — I noticed that the light in the drawing room was on.
Commodore “P” must be waiting for me in his drawing room — I thought.
I rang the doorbell.
The door opened.
I had expected Commodore “P” to open the door.
But — it was his wife — Mrs. “P” — who opened the door.
Mrs. “P” was a most refined, gracious and elegant lady.
“Good Evening, Ma’am…” I said to her, “Your husband had called me on the phone — he wanted to see me…”
“He hasn’t come home…” she said.
“Is he still in his office…?” I asked.
“Yes…” she said, “I had called his PA half an hour ago. The PA said that my husband was busy working…”
“I am sorry for the inconvenience, Ma’am…” I said, “I’ll go to his office and meet him…”
“Yes — I think you do that…” Mrs. “P” said.
“Good Night, Ma’am…” I said.
“Good Night…” Mrs. “P” said.
Mrs. “P” smiled at me — and — as I began to leave — she closed the door.
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To Be Continued…
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Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.
- This story is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
- All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
- E&OE
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Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)
Link to my source post in my Blog Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve:
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