Epictetus : The Art of Living : Book Review

Vikram Karve
5 min readSep 2, 2022



After retirement — I have become a non-entity..

At times — events happen — that make me feel low.

But — there is nothing I can do — except be a mute spectator.

On such occasions — I remember the words of Epictetus:

“…Some things are within our control — and some things are not in our control

Once you learn to distinguish between the two — then inner tranquility and outer effectiveness become possible.

Events don’t hurt us — only our attitude towards them does.

Don’t demand or expect that events happen as you would wish them to.

Accept events as they actually happen.

That way peace is possible…”


So whenever I feel demoralised — in order to raise my morale — I pull out a book from my bookcase — read it — and — I contemplate.

The book is called:

“Epictetus — The Art of Living: The Classic Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness…”

Let me tell you about the book…



A Philosophical Approach


The Classic Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness: Epictetus

Book Review




I have got a wonderful book in my bookcase.

The title and details of the book are as follows:

The Art of Living: The Classic Manual on Virtue, Happiness, and Effectiveness, a new interpretation by Sharon Lebell, published by HarperCollins in 1994, ISBN 0–06–251346-X

This compact book encapsulates in a nutshell the salient teachings of Epictetus, the great Stoic philosopher.

Whenever I buy a book I write my name, the date and place of purchase on the first page.

I bought this book from one of my favorite bookstores — Gangaram’s Bangalore — on 18 August 1999 (more than 23 years ago)

Those were the glorious days, in the 1990s, when I used to visit Bangalore very often.

I ensured I stayed somewhere near MG Road, and spend the evenings strolling in the delightful area around MG Road and Brigade Road.

A delightful meal of the scrumptious Kerala delicacies like Stew, Appams, Parotta and the Ghee Rice at Imperial on Residency Road, baked delights at Nilgiri, Rosogullas at KC Das and Book Browsing at Gangaram’s Book Bureau were an absolute must.

It’s been 23 long years now — I cherish those memories and hope I get a chance to visit Bangalore soon and enjoy strolling, eating and browsing in my favourite places.

Now let’s have a look at a few gems from this witty and wise book which delves on two basic questions pertaining to the Art of Living:


  1. How do I live a happy, meaningful, fulfilling life…?

2. How can I be a good person…?


Epictetus advises:

“Approach life as a banquet…”


Think of your life as if were a banquet where you would behave graciously.

When dishes are passed to you, extend your hand and help yourself to a moderate portion.

If a dish should pass you by, enjoy what is already on your plate.

Or if a dish hasn’t been passed to you yet, patiently wait your turn.

There is no need to yearn, envy, and grab.

You will get your rightful portion when it is your time.


Happiness and Freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle:


Some things are within our control — and some things are not in our control

And once you learn to distinguish between the two (what is in your control and what is not in your control) then inner tranquility and outer effectiveness become possible.


Events don’t hurt us — only our Attitude towards them does.


Don’t demand or expect that events happen as you would wish them to.

Accept events as they actually happen.

That way peace is possible.


Create your own Merit.


Never depend on the admiration of others.

Personal merit cannot be derived from an external source.

Remember — there is no such thing as vicarious merit.


These are a few gems from the book — every page radiates simple implementable wisdom.


Whereas society regards professional achievement, wealth, power, and fame as desirable and admirable — Epictetus views these as incidental and irrelevant to true happiness.

What matters most is what sort of life you are actually living — a life of virtue — a life celebrating and caretaking the present moment.

Authentic happiness is always independent of external conditions — your happiness can be found within.


This captivating book has had a profound effect on me and my way of thinking and living and this motivated me to delve into the life and works of Epictetus in more detail.

And — it was heartening to see the congruence and harmony of the teachings of Epictetus with Eastern philosophical wisdom and precepts.

I am glad I bought this splendid book.

It cost me only 95 Rupees.

Go down to your neighborhood bookstore and browse through it.

I am sure you will love to have a copy in your bookcase.

I assure you that you will enrich your inner self every time your read this delightful book.

Dear Reader — do get a copy of this book and tell me if you like this breathtakingly simple philosophy of life — which is so easy to implement in daily life.

Yes — it is simple “implementable wisdom”.


Dear Reader: I wish you authentic happiness and good health.



Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
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© vikram karve., all rights reserved.

This book review was written by me Vikram Karve 23 years ago in the year 1999 and was posted online by me a number of times in my blogs at urls: http://creative.sulekha.com/epictetus-the-art-of-living-the-classic-manual-on-virtue-happiness-and-effectiveness_320310_blog and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2011/06/epictetus-art-of-living.html and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2010/11/how-to-be-happy-epictetus-way.html and http://karvediat.blogspot.in/2013/06/art-of-living-philosophical-approach.html andhttp://karvediat.blogspot.in/2017/01/thursday-morning-motivation-art-of.html and https://karve.wordpress.com/2019/03/28/simple-philosophy/ etc




Vikram Karve

A creative person with a zest for life, alumnus IIT Delhi, Lawrence School Lovedale, Vikram Karve is a retired Navy Officer turned full time Writer and Blogger