Best Friend Forever (BFF)

Vikram Karve
14 min readMay 8, 2024






This story happened 47 years ago in the 1970’s — during my Mumbai Navy Days.


Best Friend Forever — BFF

Story By Vikram Karve


Mumbai — circa 1977


“Can you please come over…? I want to talk to you…” she said, on the phone.

“Okay — I will come in the evening — around 6:30…” I said.

“No. I want you to come over right now…” she said.

“Right now…?” I asked her.

“Yes. I want to talk to you right now …” she said.

“Can’t it wait till evening…?” I said.

“Why…? What are you doing…?” she asked me.

“Well — today is Derby Day — and — I was on my way to the racecourse…” I said to her.

“Is it that important…?” she asked me.

“You know how much I love going to the races. Last year — I missed the Derby as my ship was sailing. Next year — I don’t know whether I will be in Mumbai. And — this is one “classic” race that I don’t want to miss…” I said to her.

“Okay. I will come with you to the racecourse. I am feeling terrible — I don’t want to be all alone. Please come — you are my only friend with whom I can talk when I feel terrible…” she said.

“Terrible…? You are feeling terrible…? Are you not feeling well…? Why are you talking like this…? What happened…?” I asked her — feeling a bit anxious.

“He dumped me…” she said.

“What…?” I said.

“We broke up — my “Boyfriend” and “Me” — he dumped me…” she said.

“Your “Boyfriend” dumped you…? Did he dump you — or — did you dump him…?” I asked her.

“Please — it’s over — and — I don’t want to talk about it — you just come here fast…” she said — in a beseeching voice

“Okay — I will be there at your hostel gate in half an hour — at 11:30 AM — then we will take a local train from Charni Road to Mahalaxmi — the first race starts at 12:30…” I said to her.

“Come fast. I will be waiting at the hostel gate for you…” she said to me.


I put the phone down.

The Officer of the Day (OOD) was making pretence of looking elsewhere — but — I was sure that the OOD was intently listening to my phone conversation — and — so were the ship’s gangway staff — the Duty Petty Officer and the Quartermaster.

“All set for the Derby…?” the OOD asked me.

“Yes…” I said.

The OOD took out a hundred rupee note from his pocket — then — he took out a one more 100 rupee note — a total of 200 rupees — and — he gave the money to me.

“Please put some bets for me — 100 in the bookie ring for the Derby — on the same horse you are betting on — and — the rest in the tote — jackpot, tanala, treble — whatever combinations you are betting on…” the OOD said to me.

“I didn’t know you were a “punter”…” I said to the OOD.

“No. No. I am not a regular “punter” like you — I have just been to the race course once in a while…” he said — with a smile.


I looked at the gangway clock — it was almost 1100 (11 AM) — time for me to leave — so — I went back to my cabin — collected my things — the Cole Race-Book where I had done all my calculations — my wallet — my binoculars — my hat — everything — and — soon — I had crossed the gangway onto the jetty — and — I was on my way to Churchgate to catch the suburban local train to Mahalaxmi — of course — I would have to briefly stop over at Charni Road to pick her up from her hostel.


Well — Dear Reader — in the interim — let me tell you a bit about “her” — the girl who had frantically called me on the shore telephone.

“SHE” was my Professor’s daughter.

Six months ago — my Professor had written to me that his daughter had got a job in Mumbai and he was coming to drop her — and — he wanted me to help settle her down in the city.

Yes — my Professor had “written” a letter to me — this story happened 45 years ago in the 1970’s — when the common mode of communication was sending letters by post (“snail mail”) — and — in case of urgent communications — telegrams and trunk-calls were used.

I helped the girl settle down — and — my Professor has appointed me as her “local guardian” — though the girl was almost my age — she was in her early 20’s — just a few years younger than me.

Whenever my ship was in harbour — on Sunday — I would go across to her working women’s hostel on Marine Drive near Chowpatty outside Charni Road Station.

If there was something urgent — she would call me on my ship’s shore telephone — and — I would go across to Churchgate where her Ad Agency Office was located.

Around 3 months ago — she had mentioned to me that she was “seeing” someone.

She had confided to me.

“I am telling you this because you are my “local guardian” — but — please keep it to yourself. I don’t want my parents to know at this stage — I will tell them myself if things get serious…” she had said to me.


That is all she told me — she never told me who her “boyfriend” was — and — neither did she ever introduce her “boyfriend” to me.

Maybe — he was someone in her office.

I was curious.

But — since she was reticent — I did not ask her any questions.

However — our “Sunday Routine” continued whenever my ship was in harbour.

I would go to her working women’s hostel every Sunday — in the evening — at around 5 PM.

Then — I would walk with her on Marine Drive — sometimes to Chowpatty — sometimes towards Churchgate — and — maybe — we would see a movie — the evening show — and — have dinner together in a restaurant.


One evening — I asked her about her “Boyfriend”.

“Now that you have a “Boyfriend” — how come you are free on Sundays…?” I said to her.

“My Sundays are reserved for “Best Friend” — that is “You”…” she said.

“Me…? “Best Friend”…?” I said — curious.

“Well — he may be my “Boyfriend’ — but — you are my “Best Friend”…” she said to me.

“It’s okay with me if you spend your Sundays with your “Boyfriend” — I won’t mind at all…” I said to her.

“Well — he goes to Pune every weekend…” she said to me.

“Pune…?” I asked her.

“Yes — he is from Pune — so he goes home every weekend to spend time with his parents and family…” she said.

“Oh — so that is the reason you are free on Sundays…” I said.

She smiled at me.


Things continued as usual — and then — this phone call from her on Derby Day — telling me that her “Boyfriend” had dumped her — and — urgently summoning me to her hostel — as — she needed to talk to me and unburden herself of her woes.


Instead of walking down to Churchgate — as I had planned — I took a taxi to Churchgate Station — caught a local train — disembarked at Charni Road — and — precisely at 11 AM — I reached the gate of her working women’s hostel on Marine Drive.

She was waiting for me.

I had already bought a train ticket for her — so — we boarded the Western Railway local train at Charni Road — and — soon we were enjoying the races at RWITC Race Course at Mahalaxmi.


The Derby Race was exhilarating — a thriller.

And — overall — I had a good day at the races.

She too won a bit of money on the tote.


Since I had won a lot of money — I indulged in the luxury of calling a taxi — and — I took her all the way to the US Club at Land’s End in Colaba — where we enjoyed a lovely evening by the sea-side — sitting in the cool sea-breeze and watching the lights of ships as they sailed out to sea.


When I dropped her back at her hostel — she hugged me warmly.

“Thank you so much. I was feeling so depressed — and — you made me forget everything — I really enjoyed the day — thank you once again for the good time…” she said to me.

“Me too — I really enjoyed your company — it was one of the best days of my life…” I said to her.


From then on — we met every evening — I would pick her up from her office in Churchgate — and — we would have a good time together.

The next few days passed in a haze of delight — it was the first time that I experienced the wonderful joy the right girl can bring in a man’s life.


It was the happiest time of my life.

This happy time lasted for a week — it was time for my ship to sail out — and — as we bid each other goodbye — I realized that I had fallen in love with her — because it was the first time that I felt “heartache” at being separated from her.


I missed her terribly — while our ship sailed on the high seas for many days.

It was nearly after a month that our ship returned to Mumbai.

We came alongside on Sunday afternoon.

I was so desperate to meet her that I did not wait for liberty to be announced — but — I told the Officer of the Day (OOD) — that I was going ashore for some important work — and — I stepped out of the ship in uniform.

I caught a taxi to her hostel.

At 4 PM — I was standing at the reception of the working women’s hostel on Marine Drive.

But — to my disappointment — I did not find her in her hostel.

I asked the lady at the hostel reception counter.

“Well — her room key is here — she must have gone out…” the lady at the hostel reception counter said.

“Do you have any idea when she will be back…” I asked.

“Well — today is Sunday…” the lady at the reception counter said.

“Can I wait in the visitors’ room…?” I asked her.

“Sure — you can sit in the visitors’ room — but — as I said — today is Sunday — and — the hostel gate closes after midnight…” the lady said.

“Thank you. But — I will wait for her…” I said.


I sat in the visitors’ room of the working women’s hostel.

Time passed slowly — as I anxiously waited for her — wondering where she had gone.


(Remember — this happened 45 years ago — in the 1970’s — when there were no mobile phones — and there was no way I could contact her.

So I had no option — but to wait patiently for her)


I waited for her patiently in the visitors’ room of the working women’s hostel.

I saw that many girls were staring at me — since I was looking conspicuous in my white navy uniform — and I started feeling a sense of irritation and embarrassment.

But — such was my desperation to meet her — that — I waited — it was an excruciating wait.

Believe it or not — I waited for 6 hours.

Twice — the receptionists asked me if I wanted to leave a message for the girl.

But — I told them that it was very important for me to meet her.

They seemed quite respectful towards me — maybe because I was in white navy uniform.

Otherwise — maybe — they would not have allowed a man to sit in the visitors’ room of a women’s hostel for so long.

Yes — I waited 6 long hours — from 4 PM in the evening till 10 PM at night.

She arrived at 10 PM.

“Hey — what are doing here…?” she asked me.

“Where were you…?” I asked her angrily.

“I had gone out…” she said.

“The whole day…?” I asked her.

“I left in the afternoon — we saw a movie at Eros — then — in the evening — we loafed around Churchgate — had dinner — and then we walked down Marine Drive…” she said.

“WE…? What do mean “WE”…? With whom had you gone out…?” I asked her, curious.

“With my “Boyfriend”…” she said.

“Which “Boyfriend”…?” I asked her.

“The same “Boyfriend”…” she said.

“What…? The same “Boyfriend”…? The one who dumped you…? I thought you had broken up with him…” I said to her.

“We made up…” she said.

“Oh… That’s good. Where is he…?” I asked her.

“He dropped me outside at the hostel gate — by now he must have gone to station to catch the train to Bandra…” she said.

“Oh — so he lives in Bandra…?” I said,

“Yes — he wants to meet you…” she said to me.

“Your “Boyfriend” wants to meet me…?” I asked her, a bit intrigued.

“Yes — I also want you to meet him. If I had known that you were sitting here in the visitors’ room — I would have called him inside to meet you…” she said.

“But why…? Why do you want me to meet him…?” I asked her.

“You are my “local guardian” — aren’t you…? I will need your help…” she said.

“My help…?” I asked her, feeling a bit confused.

“Well — we plan to take our relationship to the next level…” she said.

“Next level…? Are you thinking of marrying this guy…?” I asked her.

“Yes. I am going to marry him. And — you will have to convince my father…” she said to me.

“Me…? You want me to convince your father to let you marry that guy…?” I said.

“Yes. I know you will help me out. After all — you are my BFF…” she said.

“BFF…? What is that…?” I asked her.

“BFF” is “Best Friend Forever” — I know you will always be my best friend forever…” she said to me with a loving smile.


In my mind — I thought to myself — that — I would rather be her “Boyfriend” than her “BFF”.

But — there was no point indulging in “wishful thinking”.

It was best to revert to my role as “Local Guardian”.


So — I did the needful and spoke to her father.

And — thanks to me in being able to convince her father — her “Boyfriend” became her fiancé.


My role as an “Interim Boyfriend” was over.

Or — was it…?

Dear Reader — you will laugh — you will not believe it — but — 3 months later — she again broke up with her fiancé.

So — I was back in action — as her “Interim Boyfriend”.


Did I say “interim”…?

Yes — I did.

After her break-up with her fiancé — I was her “boyfriend” for a few delightful days.

But soon — she made up with her fiancé.

Yes — sadly for me — she patched up with her fiancé.

And — once again — I reverted back to being her “local guardian” — or “BFF” — as she liked to call me.


Does the story end here…?

I wish it did.

But — there is more.

I know you want a happy ending.

So — let me tell you what happened.

No — No — it did not happen as you are imagining.

She did not “dump” her fiancé to marry me.

She married her fiancé.


Then — a few months later — one evening — she called me.

I recognized her voice at once.

“Can you please come over…? I want to talk to you…” she said on the phone.

“Why…? What happened…?” I said.

We — my husband and me — we had a big fight — and — he has left the house and gone away…” she said.

“Don’t worry — he will come back…” I said to her.

“No. No — he said that he was going away permanently — and — he told me that he was seriously considering divorce…” she said — I could sense a tinge of alarm in her voice.

“But — what do you want me to do…?” I asked her.

“I am feeling terrible. I want you to talk to you. Please come over right now…” she said to me.

“How can I come over right now…? It is not possible for me to come over right now…” I said.

“Why can’t you come now…? You’ve got a bike — haven’t you …? Or — take a taxi…” she pleaded with me.

“It’s not that…” I said.

“Then what is it…?” she said.

“I am married now…” I said.

“So what…?” she said.

“Please try to understand. I am married now. My wife is here with me…” I said.

“You come — that’s all…” she said — in a beseeching voice.

“I can’t come — please call someone else…” I said.

“Who can I call…? You are my only friend…” she said to me.

“No. I cannot come now…” I said angrily.

And — I slammed the phone down.


I saw my newly-wedded wife looking at me.

From the telephonic conversation — she must have guessed who had called me.

“Was it “HER”…?” my wife asked me.

“Yes…” I answered.

“What’s the matter…?” my wife asked me.

“She and her husband had a fight — and — her husband has walked off in a huff…” I said.

“And…?” my wife asked me.

“She seems quite upset — she wants me to come to her house right now…” I said.

“So — why don’t you go…?” my said to me.

“What…? I am married to you now. Why should I go to her…?” I said to my wife.

“You may be married to me — but then — you are still her best friend — aren’t you…?” my wife said.

“What are you trying to say…?” I asked my wife — a bit baffled.

“She needs you — so — you go — and — you perform your duty as “Interim Boyfriend”…” my wife said to me.

“Are you crazy…?” I said to my wife.

“She needs you very much — you go to her — go right now…” my wife said.

“Okay — but you come with me…” I said to my wife.

My wife took my hand in hers — she looked at me lovingly — and spoke.

“No — you go alone to meet her — she will be able to talk to you freely — and — you don’t worry — I have full faith in you — I know that you will always come back to me…” my wife said to me.


And so — once again — I became her “Interim Boyfriend”.

But — she remained my “Permanent Girlfriend”.

After all — I was her “BFF” — her “Best Friend Forever”.



Copyright © Vikram Karve
1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve
2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post
© vikram karve., all rights reserved.


  1. This story is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.
  2. All Stories in this Blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the stories are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
  3. E&OE

Copyright Notice:

No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.

Copyright © Vikram Karve (all rights reserved)

Link to my original post in my Blog Academic and Creative Writing Journal Vikram Karve:

Repost of my story INTERIM BOYFRIEND posted online by me on June 8, 2016 in my Academic and Creative Writing Journal Blog at url: and and and and and and and and and and and etc

© vikram karve., all rights reserved.




Vikram Karve
Vikram Karve

Written by Vikram Karve

A creative person with a zest for life, alumnus IIT Delhi, Lawrence School Lovedale, Vikram Karve is a retired Navy Officer turned full time Writer and Blogger

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